
Cinco de Mayo MANIA!

In order to learn about Cinco de Mayo tomorrow, our kiddos are having a SUPER fun day! We will still be doing our literacy block, but after that... it's gonna be one big FIESTA down our hallway! :)

We will be doing classroom rotations, where the kids will travel from room to room to learn about Cinco de Mayo, the Aztec calendar, and even a Mexican hat dance!  Then, we'll break open a pinata and play a fun game of Spanish BINGO!

To finish up our day, we will watch a movie all about Cinco de Mayo while enjoying chips and queso... and also they'll hear a rousing read-aloud rendition of Cinco de Mouse-O! This book is seriously so cute; click the pic and put it on your list for next year!!

Cinco De Mouse-o!

 Enjoy your day, however you choose to celebrate!


  1. LOVE these ideas! Wish I'd been on top of it this year! Putting this on my calendar for next year, though!
    Primary Inspired

  2. LOVE it! We usually have a celebration for the 5 de Mayo...but this year it"s right in the middle of testing week! Big boo! :(


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