
Teacher Talk Tuesday

{Pretend like I didn't just post 2x within 30 minutes of each other...}

I'm joining in again with Blog Hoppin' for Teacher Talk Tuesday! It's all about advice for new teachers... I'm definitely NO expert, but here's what I've got:

- LAUGH! Laugh at yourself and laugh with the kids. Let them see you're a real person with a sense of humor. It'll make them feel more comfortable.

- GO HOME! Pick one evening to stick around a work, but the other days, leave the classroom! Even if you're not married or whatnot, get out and about and keep strong friendships. You'll need outlets as you go.

- MAKE MEMORIES! Keep a folder, file, post-it pad.. whatever floats your boat. But write down the hilarious things that happen. Keep the handmade cards you get for the holidays. These items will help you remember what it was that got you into teaching in the first place. And on those tough days (which we all have!), pull out that file and remember the good things. Smile, it makes you feel better!!

And, that's all I've got. I'm pooped, and have to get ready for my LOOOONG day tomorrow (last day of meeting for grad classes - WOOT!). Can't wait to read all of your ideas and advice! Join in the party!

(The button is still not working for me.. I've done this a MILLION times, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...)

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