
Made Me Smile!! :-)

I hope this post finds y'all fully enjoying your day off today! If you live close to KC, you are also enjoying some BEA-U-TIFUL weather! Finally :-)

As I was watching the Criminal Minds marathon on A&E while cozying up with a blanket {yes, a blanket!!} while the curtains blew in the breeze, my phone alerted me that I had an email. I was nominated by sweet Nicole @ First Grade OWLs as one of her Top 10 Blogs! This made me smile, friends!

Top 10 TBA
Here are some of my favorite blogs (many of whom have already been nominated, I'm sure, but I'll try to pick some new ones!!)... check them out and say hello!!


(there was no blog button here!)

F is for First Grade
Lastly... stay tuned for a WONDERFUL new look coming my way V.E.R.Y. soon! Eeeek!  :-)



  1. I'm watching Criminal Minds too! And working on school stuff.

    ✪ Miss W

    Miss W Teaches

  2. Oh you are SOOOO SWEET!!!!!! I am honored!!!! Love your blog too girl!

  3. Aww, thanks!!! I feel like I've been slacking so much on my blog lately so that makes me feel great.
    I hope you're good and rested after the beautiful weekend. We've had storms, storms, storms!! But I do love a good rainy day while I'm cozy inside=)
    F is For First Grade

  4. I was so excited to see that you had picked my blog!! Thank you so much!! I always enjoy reading yours too.


Thanks for visiting! :)